Southwest U.S. + Drone = 🔥🔥🔥. This is what it’s like to peer into history.

What this is

  1. Writing is the antidote to confusion. This is an outlet to fight confusion.

  2. Make everyone’s best ideas your baseline. This is an outlet to write about and wrestle with great ideas.

  3. Just be in the tail of distributions. This is an outlet to pursue (positive) tails.

  4. Success is iterative (so iterate!). This is an outlet to iterate thinking.

  5. Trying to be smarter than other people is very hard and doesn’t work very often. Trying to have insights that you get because you sit in a different information flow just seems exponentially easier. This is an outlet to share information flow.

  6. Wisdom is competence with regard to the realities of life. This is an outlet to grow in wisdom.

Thanks to James Clear for those first two thoughts, Patrick O’Shaughnessy for the third one, Charlie Songhurst for the fifth one, and Gerhard von Rad for the sixth one. I’ll claim the fourth one. Plenty of people have made that observation though few follow it.

What this is not

  1. This is not just about investing. I write about that here. This newsletter is much broader, and it is not investing advice.

  2. This will not be linear, tightly crafted narratives. I favor fewer, better things in most areas of life — writing included. I am ignoring that maxim here. Feel free to jump around the entries.

  3. This will not always be canonical wisdom. This is learning in public to improve myself + connect with + help others. You will find mistakes. You will see me change my mind. That’s the point.

  4. This is not going to feel like work. Education is not the filling of buckets but the lighting of fires. This is not about sweat from pails; it’s sweat from heat.

Thanks W.B. Yeats for the fourth thought.

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Fighting confusion, wrestling with great ideas, pursuing the positive tails of distributions, sharing information flow, and growing in wisdom.


Managing Partner of the Phronesis Fund